My flash fiction and short stories have been published online and in print anthologies, including Atlas & Alice, Bath Flash Fiction, Barren Magazine, Flash Fiction Magazine, Reflex Fiction, Spelk, Trampset, Worthing Flash, 100 Word Flash, Spilling Ink, Flight Journal and others. My flash fiction has been short-listed (and long-listed) for a number of awards. I have written two novellas-in-flash, one short-listed, and the other long-listed, for the Bath Novella-in-Flash Award. I co-won the Rye News short Story Award in 2023, and recently won the Mslexia Flash Fiction Competition (December 2024)
My two novels and flash fiction collections can only be purchased via my e-mail:
Direct via Pay Pal – postage free in the UK. Contact me for postage elsewhere.
My novel, A Bird in the House was published in 2014. Here Casts No Shadow was published in 2018. My two published collections of flash fiction, Not Here, Not Us, Stories of Syria and Listen with Mother, a Memoir, came out in 2016 and 2019.
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A Bird in the House – a novel set in Libya and an English Country Garden, £5.00
Here Casts No Shadow – a novel of war, revenge & refuge, £5.00
‘Beautifully and powerfully written, the story captures the unique and yet ubiquitous experience of displaced people – the sense of tragedy of a country lost to madness, the aching for home.’ (Ingenue Magazine, Autumn 2018)
Not Here Not Us – Stories of Syria, a collection of flash fiction on the Syrian crisis, £4.00
Listen With Mother – a collection of flash fiction about my childhood, £5.00
Both real and fantastical, this collection of flashes explores my childhood in the 1960’s. These are stories both of family life and the wider community in Belbroughton, North Worcestershire but they also explore the social changes of this time.
A book comes along now and again that lets your heart sing and rejoice about the human spirit.
Here Casts No Shadow is one such book and if it wasn’t for the opportunity to obtain an ARC this wonderful story may have passed me by altogether.
I hope no-one reading this review will make a similar mistake. This is a book that is not only worth reading it will give a certain bounce to your life.
Sadly, we are often put off stories of refugees and asylum seekers by the camps in France or the crowds of humanity trekking across Europe. We have often become harden by political rhetoric and fears about immigration and a UK which would be better outside Europe to control our borders.
This book is not ‘an in your face’ one, liberal treatise of embracing all peoples, it is the fictional account of one family’s life in a made-up world where the bombs and suffering are very real.
I guess in taking to refugees and listening to their stories it was not so much what to include but what to leave out for the author. In the process they have woven fact into fiction to produce a telling account of when the first hopes of freedom result in oppression, indiscriminate murder of their own people by a regime that will do anything to maintain power. It is about fear, about bombs dropped by your own government and the decision to flee your home, community and country for a chance to live.
It is about life in a refugee camp; more shortages and a gradual erosion of family life. Finally, it is the final hope of a better place to live and can be yourself and experience a freedom to live in peace and dignity.
The writing is gentle and even paced; initially changing from the horrors of the past to the reality of their new status in a new country. Even when the previous life unravels, and death stalks the very shops and streets they inhabit the writing is descriptive but not judgemental – it records events how one might remember them leaving the anxiety and stress to invade one’s day dreaming and night terrors.
Both stories; the past and the present start with some joy; the beauty of snow flakes and friendships but in both accounts the initial conflict is seen in its present unfolding and in the damaged lives of those who have survived into their present. Lives are scarred and damaged with PTSD and coping behaviours. Friendships strained, and family structures closed and more secretive. Life goes on, but we quickly learn that these people are who they are today because of the past. The things they have been seen and done, the lack of justice and accountability that is unlikely to be reconciled.
The two stories are quite harmonious and are cleverly interwoven into events then and now.
The characters are fictional but very real, and are neither heroes nor villains, but human beings with frailties and prone to breakdown.
I liked especially that the book has no political leanings, nor any judgement views. It sees the conflict as a collapse of civilization where any death on all sides is a loss, the loss of a child, parent or loved one.
I had not heard of the author previously, but I feel blessed to have stumbled across this book
here cast no shadow!! powerfull and motivating though
A book comes along now and again that lets your heart sing and rejoice about the human spirit this true..